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Social Work Week 2025

To celebrate this years Social Work Week, Rachael Sharp, Designated Professional for Safeguarding Adults at NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) reflects on her career in social work over the years: ‘I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a social worker, I wanted to work with people and […]

To celebrate this years Social Work Week, Rachael Sharp, Designated Professional for Safeguarding Adults at NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) reflects on her career in social work over the years:

‘I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a social worker, I wanted to work with people and make a difference, some of this came from a place of wanting equality for people and justice, making sure people had their rights and choices heard. I had some personal experience within my family and witnessing firsthand the role that social workers had empowered me to identify this would be my career path. I am now in year 27 of my health and social care career and would not change a single day!

Leaving school, I went to sixth form completing a GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification) in Health and Health and Social Care, this heightened my want to become a social worker. At 19 I decided I wanted some work experience and started working within social care settings. Eventually becoming a social work assistant in a child protection team in Hull.

A few years later I was lucky enough for my employer to financially support me to undertake my social work degree which I completed in 2011. I have worked across various sectors in my social care career including Children Social Care, Domestic Abuse Services, Adults Social Care, Mental Health and Safeguarding.

I became an Approved Mental Health Practitioner in 2015, this was my most challenging role to date, both work demand and supporting those in mental health crisis. Having gained insight in working alongside health colleagues during this role, initiated my curiosity of working in a health provider alongside other professions supporting individuals holistically, applying the social care model in a world of medically driven interventions, I found this rewarding and challenging.

The best part of being a social worker is having the privilege of working with people often at a time of crisis but being able to listen, support and empower them through the most difficult times. I love hearing people’s stories, memories and experiences, I could sit for hours listening and supporting and providing choice to people to make their lives more empowered, enabling them to maintain independence. I have met some amazingly resilient individuals who have inspired me in my own life and made me the social worker I am today.

I am now working in safeguarding within an Integrated Care Board, although I do not get to work front line, I use my experience to inform my input and involvement in strategic decision making. It remains a privilege working for the NHS alongside so many dedicated, experienced and passionate colleagues with the aim of wanting to make things better.

My social worker career so far has not disappointed, its challenging, rewarding, empowering and enriching, I would advocate anyone who is thinking about a social care career to do it!’