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Let’s eat healthy – 6 ways to eating better on a budget

Making sure you eat a healthy balanced diet isn’t always easy – particularly when you’re on a budget or trying to spend less, with the cost of living, you might be feeling the pinch more than ever before.

Blue plate with letters spelling meal plan

Making sure you eat a healthy balanced diet isn’t always easy – particularly when you’re on a budget or trying to spend less, with the cost of living, you might be feeling the pinch more than ever before.

It’s not all bad, there are some easy ways in which you can save money and still eat well, a few small changes to your shopping and cooking can help make your money go further whilst being healthy.

Dig out your recipe books

We are not all born culinary experts. So its just as well that the BBC Good Food site has a range of brilliant recipes for every occasion – including a budget recipe collection

Plus, if you use social media, you can find loads of inspiration on Instagram and TikTok

Switch up your snacks

Making better decision when it comes to snacking can help you feel better and fuller for longer.

Nuts are a good source of protein, coconut can help regulate blood pressure during times of stress, bananas contain vitamin B6, which releases serotonin and helps regulate blood sugars. Dried fruit is also a good choice for a healthy sugar lift, plus they are full of fibre and iron.

And don’t forget the humble apple. It’s a hunger busting snack rich in fibre and antioxidants.

Cook larger portions

Cooking larger meals can save you time and money. Your leftovers can be used for lunch the next day, be frozen for later, or reused in stews and stir fries.

Having leftover for the next day is a great way to stop you from spending money on your lunch break or eating out in the evening.

Make a list and stick to it

This sounds like an obvious one but take time to plan your meals before you head to the shops. Think about each meal and the ingredients you need and make a list – it’s a good idea to plan meals with similar ingredients so you use up what you buy. By knowing what you need you can shop smarter and reduce waste.

Buy frozen

People often think that frozen food isn’t as nutritious, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be more affordable than buying from the chilled aisle and it can help reduce waste.

Frozen veg is great for adding to curries, stir fries and stews, while frozen berries can liven your breakfast.

Do the maths

Just because something is on offer doesn’t always mean it is the best value, its always worth checking out the price per gram or litre.

Taking time to do the maths while you shop will let you know where the real savings are. Yes, it can take more time, but if you are on a budget or trying to spend less every penny counts.